Posts Tagged ‘Drosophila’

Deriving a genetic regulatory network from an optimization principle

Thomas R. Sokolovski, Thomas Gregor, William Bialek, Gašper Tkačik. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 122 (2), e2402925121 (2025).


Transcription factor clusters as information transfer agents

Rahul Munshi, Jia Ling, Sergey Ryabichko, Eric F. Wieschaus, Thomas Gregor. Science Advances 11 (1), DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adp3251 (2025).


Scale invariance in early embryonic development

Milos Nikolić, Victoria Antonetti, Feng Liu F, Gentian Muhaxheri, Mariela D Petkova, Martin Scheeler, Eric M Smith, William Bialek, Thomas Gregor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA) 121 (46) e2403265121, (2024).


Finding the last bits of positional information

Lauren McGough, Helena Casademunt, Miloš Nikolić, Zoe Aridor, Mariela D. Petkova, Thomas Gregor, William Bialek. PRX Life 2 (1), 013016 (2024)

Functional analysis of the Drosophila eve locus in response to non-canonical combinations of gap gene expression levels

Netta Haroush, Michal Levo, Eric Wieschaus, Thomas Gregor. Developmental Cell 58 (23), 2789-2801.e5 (2023).


Stochastic motion and transcriptional dynamics of pairs of distal DNA loci on a compacted chromosome

David B. Brückner, Hongtao Chen, Lev Barinov, Benjamin Zoller, Thomas Gregor. Science 380, 1357-1362 (2023).

Temporally dynamic antagonism between transcription and chromatin compaction controls stochastic photoreceptor specification in flies

Lukas Voortman, Caitlin Anderson, Elizabeth Urban, Luorongxin Yuan, Sang Tran, Alexandra Neuhaus-Follini, Josh Derrick, Thomas Gregor, and Robert J. Johnston, Jr. Developmental Cell. 57(15), 1817–1832.E5 (2022).

Latent space of a small genetic network: Geometry of dynamics and information

Rabea Seyboldt, Juliette Lavoie, Adrien Henry, Jules Vanaret, Mariela D. Petkova, Thomas Gregor, and Paul François. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 119 (26): e2113651119 (2022).

Transcriptional coupling of distant regulatory genes in living embryos

Michal Levo, João Raimundo, Xin Yang Bing, Zachary Sisco, Philippe J. Batut, Sergey Ryabichko, Thomas Gregor & Michael S. Levine (2022). Nature 605, 754–760 (2022).

Optogenetic control of the Bicoid morphogen reveals fast and slow modes of gap gene regulation

Anand P. Singh, Ping Wu, Sergey Ryabichko, Joao Raimundo, Michael Swan, Eric Wieschaus,
Thomas Gregor, and Jared E. Toettcher (2022). Cell Reports 38, 110543.

Trading bits in the readout from a genetic network

Marianne Bauer, Mariela D Petkova, Thomas Gregor, Eric F Wieschaus, William Bialek (2021). Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 118 (46): e2109011118.

The many bits of positional information

Gašper Tkačik and Thomas Gregor. Development 148: dev176065 (2021) (more…)

Using RNA Tags for Multicolor Live Imaging of Chromatin Loci and Transcription in Drosophila Embryos

Chen H and Gregor T. In: Heinlein M. (eds) RNA Tagging. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2166. Humana, New York, NY (2020). (more…)

Optimal decoding of cellular identities in a genetic network

Mariela D. Petkova, Gasper Tkacik, William Bialek, Eric F. Wieschaus, and Thomas Gregor. Cell 176(4), 844–855 (2019). (more…)

Diverse spatial expression patterns emerge from unified kinetics of transcriptional bursting

Benjamin Zoller, Shawn C. Little, and Thomas Gregor. Cell 175(3), 835–847 (2018). (more…)

Dynamic interplay between enhancer-promoter topology and gene activity

Hongtao Chen, Michal Levo, Lev Barinov, Miki Fujioka, James B. Jaynes and Thomas Gregor. Nature Genetics 50, 1296–1303 (2018). (more…)

Single mRNA Molecule Detection in Drosophila

Shawn C Little and Thomas Gregor. In: Gaspar I. (eds) RNA Detection. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1649. Humana Press, New York, NY (2018) (more…)

Live Imaging of mRNA Synthesis in Drosophila

Hernan G Garcia and Thomas Gregor. In: Gaspar I. (eds) RNA Detection. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1649. Humana Press, New York, NY (2018) (more…)

Only accessible information is useful: insights from gradient-mediated patterning

Mikhail Tikhonov, Shawn C. Little, and Thomas Gregor. Roy. Soc. Open Sci. 2: 150486 (2015). (more…)

Enhancer additivity and non-additivity are determined by enhancer strength in the Drosophila embryo

Jacques Bothma, Hernan Garcia, Samuel Ng, Michael W. Perry, Thomas Gregor, and Michael S. Levine. eLife 2015; 4:e07956 (2015). (more…)