
Diverse spatial expression patterns emerge from unified kinetics of transcriptional bursting

Benjamin Zoller, Shawn C. Little, and Thomas Gregor. Cell 175(3), 835–847 (2018). (more…)

Dynamic interplay between enhancer-promoter topology and gene activity

Hongtao Chen, Michal Levo, Lev Barinov, Miki Fujioka, James B. Jaynes and Thomas Gregor. Nature Genetics 50, 1296–1303 (2018). (more…)

Single mRNA Molecule Detection in Drosophila

Shawn C Little and Thomas Gregor. In: Gaspar I. (eds) RNA Detection. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1649. Humana Press, New York, NY (2018) (more…)

Live Imaging of mRNA Synthesis in Drosophila

Hernan G Garcia and Thomas Gregor. In: Gaspar I. (eds) RNA Detection. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1649. Humana Press, New York, NY (2018) (more…)

Beyond D’Arcy Thompson: Future challenges for quantitative biology

Thomas Gregor. Mechanisms of Development 145: 10–12 (2017). (more…)

Only accessible information is useful: insights from gradient-mediated patterning

Mikhail Tikhonov, Shawn C. Little, and Thomas Gregor. Roy. Soc. Open Sci. 2: 150486 (2015). (more…)

Enhancer additivity and non-additivity are determined by enhancer strength in the Drosophila embryo

Jacques Bothma, Hernan Garcia, Samuel Ng, Michael W. Perry, Thomas Gregor, and Michael S. Levine. eLife 2015; 4:e07956 (2015). (more…)

Modeling oscillations and spiral waves in Dictyostelium populations

Javad Noorbakhsh, David J. Schwab, Allyson E. Sgro, Thomas Gregor, and Pankaj Mehta. Physical Review E 91: 062711 (2015).  (more…)

From Intracellular Signaling to Population Oscillations: Bridging Size and Time Scales in Collective Behavior

Allyson E. Sgro, David J. Schwab, Javad Noorbakhsh, Troy Mestler, Pankaj Mehta, and Thomas Gregor. Molecular Systems Biology 11: 799 (2015).  (more…)

Positional information, positional error, and read-out precision in morphogenesis: a mathematical framework

Gasper Tkačik, Julien O. Dubuis, Mariela D. Petkova, and Thomas Gregor. Genetics 199 (1): 39–59 (2015).  (more…)

The embryo as a laboratory: quantifying transcription in Drosophila

Thomas Gregor, Hernan G. Garcia, Shawn C. Little. Trends in Genetics 30 (8): 364–375 (2014).

Dynamic Regulation of Eve Stripe 2 Expression Reveals Transcriptional Bursts in Living Drosophila Embryos

Jacques P. Bothma, Hernan G. Garcia, Emilia Esposito, Gavin Schlissel, Thomas Gregor, Michael S. Levine. PNAS 111 (29): 10598–10603 (2014).

Fly wing vein patterns have spatial reproducibility of a single cell

Laurent Abouchar, Mariela D. Petkova, Cynthia R. Steinhardt, and Thomas Gregor.  J. Roy. Soc. Interface 11 (97): 20140443 (2014).

Maternal origins of developmental reproducibility

Mariela D. Petkova, Shawn C. Little, Feng Liu, and Thomas Gregor. Current Biology 24 (11): 1283–1288 (2014).

Morphogenesis at criticality

Dmitry Krotov, Julien O. Dubuis, Thomas Gregor, and William Bialek. PNAS 111 (10): 3683–3688 (2014).

Quantitative imaging of transcription in living Drosophila embryos links polymerase activity to patterning

Hernan G. Garcia, Mikhail Tikhonov, Albert Lin and Thomas Gregor. Current Biology 23, 2140–2145 (2013).

Precision and reproducibility of macroscopic developmental patterns

Laurent Abouchar, Mariela D. Petkova, Cynthia R. Steinhardt, and Thomas Gregor (2013). [q-bio.TO].

Positional information, in bits

Julien O. Dubuis, Gasper Tkacik, Eric F. Wieschaus, Thomas Gregor and William Bialek, PNAS 110, 16301-16308 (2013).

Precise developmental gene expression arises from globally stochastic transcriptional activity

Shawn C. Little, Mikhail Tikhonov and Thomas Gregor, Cell 154, 789–800 (2013).

Sorting sloppy Sonic

Shawn C. Little and Thomas Gregor, Cell 153, 509-510 (2013).