Posts Tagged ‘scaling’

Scale invariance in early embryonic development

Milos Nikolić, Victoria Antonetti, Feng Liu F, Gentian Muhaxheri, Mariela D Petkova, Martin Scheeler, Eric M Smith, William Bialek, Thomas Gregor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA) 121 (46) e2403265121, (2024).


Precise and scalable self-organization in mammalian pseudo-embryos

Mélody Merle, Leah Friedman, Corinne Chureau, Armin Shoushtarizadeh, Thomas Gregor.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 31, 896–902, doi: 10.1038/s41594-024-01251-4 (2024)

Shape and function of the Bicoid morphogen gradient in dipteran species with different sized embryos.

T. Gregor, A. P. McGregor, E. F. Wieschaus, Dev. Biol. 316, 350-358 (2008).

Stability and nuclear dynamics of the Bicoid morphogen gradient.

T. Gregor, E. F. Wieschaus, A. P. McGregor, W. Bialek, D. W. Tank, Cell 130, 141-152 (2007).


Diffusion and scaling during early embryonic pattern formation.

T. Gregor, W. Bialek, R. R. deRuyter van Steveninck, D. W. Tank, E. F. Wieschaus, PNAS 102, 18403-18407 (2005).
